The same honest and intense commitment!

GMtel has a 20 year history “being different” and we are proud of it! It was not always an easy path; honesty, transparency, commitment and long-term relationships, in which everyone wins, are generally not seen as characteristics of strong and solid companies; however, at GMtel, we believe that this is our “true path”. Time has […]
WFH: Connected

The connection to the world is the only way to remain socially active beings, in harmony with our existence as human beings and with nature.In the new normal, connectivity to the company and our work, Social Networks, National and International news, health, culture, leisure and sport, among many others, will be the basis of the […]
World Social Media Day

Never have Social Networks been as important as this year, 2020. In times of a pandemic, all possible online events took place on Social Networks; also, meetings between people started to have a privileged place on these platforms. World Social Networks Day marks today! With each passing day, Social Networks gain more strength and importance, […]
Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Day

GMtel marks today the Day of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises, recognizing its importance in local and global economies, demystifying the idea that “small is fragile and disjointed”, and celebrating, with pride, that “small is agile, responsive, ally and timeless ”! The initiative to celebrate Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises on this date, came from […]
WFH: Safe

“Take care of yourself, take care of everyone!” it is the premise that must be taken into account by societies in times of pandemic, namely in the work context. The beginning of the year 2020, with the appearance of COVID-19, brought challenges to the business models, as well as to the organization and management of […]
WorkFromHome Programme

When the international reality began to show signs that Portugal would not be immune to the Covid-19 pandemic that was expected, GMtel developed an internal program composed of 3 main objectives: to help employees, their families and friends to remain as safe as possible, equipped with the most appropriate knowledge and mechanisms; help clients, their […]
SPACES – secure remote collaboration, 60 days free of charge

Work routines have changed dramatically. From one day to the next, companies were forced to perform tasks from home. There were those who were already prepared for teleworking, but there were those who had to start from scratch to implement these new dynamics. Thus, following this new context, Avaya launched a campaign, still in progress, […]
GMtel, Avaya and Customers against Covid-19

In navigation mode towards the unknown, the result of the disruptive context caused by the Covid-19 pandemic, GMtel and Avaya exposed the true partnership relationship they develop with their customers, with prompt, immediate and active responses. The GMtel team has deployed responsiveness to customers to put all their assistants safely at home, without looking at […]