WFH: Connected

WFH: Connected

The connection to the world is the only way to remain socially active beings, in harmony with our existence as human beings and with nature.In the new normal, connectivity to the company and our work, Social Networks, National and International news, health, culture, leisure and sport, among many others, will be the basis of the […]

WFH: Digital

WorkFromHome: Digital

Homeoffice and office dematerialization have encouraged companies and people in general to become more digital when, at the same time, the pandemic scenario has aroused an urgency to innovate and transform. GMtel created the WorkfromHome programme, WFH – Safe, Digital, Connected and Collaborative, based on four pillars, one of which is exactly Digital; the goal […]

WorkFromHome Programme

WorkFromHome Programme

When the international reality began to show signs that Portugal would not be immune to the Covid-19 pandemic that was expected, GMtel developed an internal program composed of 3 main objectives: to help employees, their families and friends to remain as safe as possible, equipped with the most appropriate knowledge and mechanisms; help clients, their […]